Show Up Everyday

I was listening to an audiobook the other day and the author (Scott Adams) was talking about how he never felt like he did a lot of work he just worked consistently over time and the results compounded.

This is something I remind myself. Especially when life is busy and I have a lot going on. Just show up every day and put in the work. Even if it’s not much. Do what you can that day and then try again the next.

This has been my fitness philosophy ever since my son was born 5 months ago. There have been a lot of days where I’m running on just a few hours of sleep and my energy levels are low. I force myself to just do something even if it’s just a 15-minute workout.

I was unsure how this would work out because on days when I only do a 15-minute workout, I don’t think I did enough to see results. However, I look pretty good and my resting heart heart is at the lowest it’s ever been since I’ve been tracking it. I can’t complain.

At this point in my life, I’m pretty realistic about what I want and what I can actually accomplish while also being very optimistic about whatever I’m doing. In business, I know I’m not capable of or have the desire to run a billion-dollar company. However, I think that if I show up every day and consistently put in the work I can run a profitable 7 or 8-figure business. It just might take me a decade to do it but maybe it won’t.

Either way, I’m going to keep showing up.

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