Halloween 2023 Is A Wrap!

Yesterday was Halloween and it was a cold one! Trick or Treating was from 6 pm – 8 pm and it was in the 40s outside. I live in your typical suburban neighborhood and get anywhere from 100 – 200 kids depending on the weather each year.

My wife and her parents took my little guy Trick or Treating for the first time while I stayed back to hand out candy. He’s only 5 months old but a lot of the neighbors love seeing him so she took him to all of their houses in his little Frankenstein costume. He made it 30 minutes and was ready to come home for a nap 🤣.

There is a guy in my neighborhood who makes and gives out Kettle Corn each year. He pops it fresh in his front yard. A lot of the neighbors have parties and are more than happy to offer food and drinks to anyone who stops by. It’s a great neighborhood.

This is only the 4th year in our house for Halloween and the first one we had just moved in so I didn’t decorate much. Every year I’ve decorated more and more but this year I took it to another level. There was nothing I enjoyed more than everyone complimenting my decorating as they came by trick or treating. Especially when parents told me how much their kids loved coming by and seeing our house!

That is the main reason I do it, for the kids. For my son (and future kids) and all of the other kids in the neighborhood. I love that my decorating can bring joy to their lives. I want to create great memories for them. I hope someday when they are older they think “Remember that house on Halloween that always used to decorate really nice?!”.

There was one story from last night that really stood out to me. My one neighbor who lives behind us brought her son over to trick or treat. He’s around 2 years old. The first thing she said to me was “He loves the bat you have in your back window!”. She told me he always asks to look at the LED bat that I put in our back window when I turn it on at night.

I made it a point this year to put LED decorations in our back windows. There are only a few houses and one spot on the side street where you can see them but I thought for the few people that would actually see them they might enjoy it. Sure enough, someone did!

I told the little guy I’d be sure to put Christmas LED lights in those back windows for him to look at too. This is why I love decorating. It’s my little way of bringing joy to other people and trying to make the world a better place.

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