What To Do With Leftover Halloween Candy

I give out full-size candy bars every year for Trick or Treating. I never really know how many trick-or-treaters we are going to get so I always try to make sure I have extra candy. This year we had around 30 leftover candy bars.

I’m pretty health conscious and eat healthy 90% of the time. I’m proud to say that for being in my mid-30s I look and feel pretty good. I have visible abs most of the time and do cardio & lift weekly. I do allow myself to splurge on crap food, especially around Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Since I have a regular heathly diet that I eat 90% of the time I like to limit my days where I eat junk food to as little as possible. I also don’t like to have candy and other junk food around the house all the time because I’ll snack on it continuously.

So my solution is to just get rid of the leftover Halloween candy. When I say get rid of it, I don’t mean throw it away or give it away, I mean eat it! I’ll binge eat all of the leftovers in one day. I’m serious, I’ll eat 20 candy bars in one day to get rid of it and save whatever my wife wants for her (usually she likes different stuff than me so I’m not tempted to eat what she likes).

I’m happy to report that there are about 5 – 10 leftover candy bars and it’s mostly M&M’s which my wife likes and I really don’t. The rest are in belly!

I like doing this because it makes me feel like crap and then I crave eating healthy just to not feel like a bloated gassy mess. It’s also impossible for the body to store all those extra calories in one day as fat so most of it ends up getting pooped out.

In my opinion, it’s a much better alternative than if I were to eat 2 pieces of candy each day over the course of a couple weeks.

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