My Son Is 5 Months Old Today

I felt it would be fitting to make my first blog post about my son since he is the most important thing to me.

Today my son is 5 months old and I love where he is at developmentally right now. He can’t walk or crawl yet but he’s very active and vocal. He recognizes me now and will smile the biggest smile I’ve ever seen anytime he sees me.

I really wish I had 0 other responsibilities in my life and could just hang out and play with him all day. I try to carry him around as much as I can each day and do all the things I’d normally need to do without him.

I’m talking about things like taking out the garbage, watering the plants, feeding the dog, getting the mail, opening packages, cooking, eating, cleaning up around the house, etc.

I even hold him while I work at my standing desk and he’ll usually just chill there with me for about an hour while I work before he gets hungry, sleepy, or just bored.

At first, I thought he’d be bored doing all these things with me but he seems to like it. We have this thing called the TushBaby and it straps around your waist and gives a little seat for the baby to sit on. It also has straps you can purchase separately that hold the baby in place so you can be hands-free. This is what I use every day.

I’m not nearly as fast with getting things done when I have my son but I don’t mind. I just love having him with me. I explain to him everything I’m doing and he seems to be really into it. I even pee while holding him and he is very interested in what’s going on 🤣.

While I may not be as fast at getting things done as I used to I’m starting to really hit a groove with being able to get everything done I need to in a day and more. Before I had my son I wasted a lot of time and now I have to be very efficient to get everything done.

It took me 5 months to get to this point but I’m getting so efficient with my time I’m able to get more done than before I had my son. I’ve read from a lot of successful people that having kids made them better and I’m guessing this is why.

A lot of people use the excuse of children as to why they can’t do something in life. I will admit that there is some truth to that. I think it puts a ceiling on what you can accomplish but I don’t think it has to stop you. I’m not going to let it stop me.

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